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Advanced Novel & Memoir, A Full Manuscript Workshop

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CourseGraphic Advanced Novel & Memoir: A Full Manuscript Workshop 
Advanced Novel & Memoir: A Full Manuscript Workshop 

A 6-week fiction workshop. Let's read your full draft together! This workshop is for more experienced writers in the process of completing and/or revising a manuscript or first draft of a full book of fiction, linked short stories, nonfiction, or memoir. Limited to four writers, you will have the unique opportunity for your full draft to be read and workshopped by others. This chance to receive feedback from the teacher and class is invaluable. Writers finish with a plan for how to revise if needed, add depth, content, and enrich their books so to ready them for presentation to agents and publishers.

Be prepared to read and discuss your own work and the work of fellow students. We will focus on story first and foremost: use of language, dialogue, themes, character development, dramatic arc, plot, structure, setting, and other craft issues essential to a successful manuscript. We will read each other's full book manuscripts and offer sincere, helpful feedback.

Please, be ready to read each of your fellow student’s books during this special 6-week class. On weeks where we are not workshopping a book, we will discuss elements critical to a successful manuscript. We will also write our query letters for agents, talk about the process of securing an agent and getting published. 

Instructor approval required for this course. Please submit a writing sample of your manuscript (5 to 7 pages) to and include your title and genre. Books should be limited to not more than 80,000 words. Enrollment in this class is contingent upon instructor approval. Any questions, or to be placed on the waiting list, please write Marcia at

June 12 to July 31, 2024 
Wednesdays, 1pm to 3pm EST on Zoom

Who Should Take This Class?
Writers who have written a complete fiction or nonfiction manuscript.


"As someone who has attended conferences and taken workshops, I was floored by the quality of writers I was fortunate enough to spend time with each week, as well as the steady and reassuring hand that Marcia used in leading all of us. Marcia was abundantly gracious with her time--with her in-depth editorial letter given to each of us, the detailed one-on-one conference to discuss our work, and also in every single class. What a gift to walk away from such a rich experience with so many ideas to apply to my own manuscript." 

"Without doubt, this surpassed any class I've taken."


"Marcia creates the safe space to do our work. I always come away with "I can do this!" and "We get to write!  What great work!"


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Class Details

6 Session(s)
Weekly - Wed

Sarah Lawrence College

Marcia Bradley 



Schedule Information

Skip dates: (No class on 06/19/2024, 07/03/2024)

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
6/12/2024 - 7/31/2024 Weekly - Wed 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM N/A - Online Marcia Bradley